A few ideas for direction of design.

Considering our theme, “cyber activism and hactivism”, I thought the design could have a modern take on the old style communista look. The advent of modern attacks such as hacking hark back to the old days or paranoia, where nobody felt secure. Propaganda was rife in the USSR and it created an aesthetic that reflect the era – society looking for a “new life” full of positive images and energy. Industrial revolution meets technological revolution!


Vintage Colour & Design: Russian Propaganda Posters

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“Most posters in our collection are originals, acquired in Russia in the 80’s, political posters, made in the period 1950 – 1990, published with the supervision of the Communist Party, and were designed to make people work harder, be better communists and good patriots.”


Obey Print Archives

The Obey print archives have some good examples of how this kind of aesthetic could be translated into a modern style.



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1 Response to A few ideas for direction of design.

  1. ellisalex says:

    That’s great Cas. Really well thought out, should work well. Tick of approval for the theme!

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