

This website is designed as an online resource base and community platform for hacktivists around the globe. Hacktivate is a not-for-profit community organization that aims to help individuals establish hacktivist networks and movements in an effort to keep working for a better world.

Our mission is to disseminate information, tools and tactics that empower people across the globe to use computer and Internet technology in a way that is liberating. We aim to support and strengthen online communities with a focus on positive hacktivism, and to defend a free Internet and free society.

The three main goals of this site are:

  • Provide detailed, accessible information about hacktivism and how it can be used effectively to communicate various political ideologies.
  • Help establish online networks by providing a forum where individuals can share and gather support for various activities and movements.
  • Promote the use of the Internet as an effective medium to work towards social and political goals that are of major concern around the world.
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