Database Design

The database of choice for our website is a web forum on which users can communicate. It would work with the use of an account system, in which the database would require the users’ username, email, first name, last name and password to create them an account. Registering would then require users validate their account by clicking a link in an email to the listed email address. All of these details will initially be entered on a registration form page.

The forum will also be classified into main categories and sub categories, as indicated by the entity relationship model diagram. Each category AND sub-category will include a title, description and date. Each sub-category belongs to a single main-category. Posts uploaded to the forum will be attached to one unique user, and one sub-category (you can only post in sub-categories; the main categories merely contain the subs).

After registration, users will be able to use the forum each time they visit the site once they log in to the system by filling out a form asking for their username and password.

The forum will allow users to exchange information relating to potential upcoming events, the content on our website and recent occurences in the cyber-activist world. The primary objective of our including a forum is to create a community through our website, and in doing so encourage users to engage in cyber-activism.

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