Final Reflection Report

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Final Reflection Report


Overall, as a team, we are very pleased with the aesthetics, usability, accessibility and general functionality of our website. We not only acquired valuable skills in coding html, CSS and JavaScript but also learnt a lot about Hacktivism and the powerful effect it has on the modern world. The most difficult part of the assignment was learning new skills in coding and trying to correct any errors when something went wrong. But persistence paid off and the site works. We were able to put to work all of the information we learnt this semester about usability, accessibility, and web design in general. Our objective was met and we believe that the users we had in mind throughout this process would be happy with the site, even in its prototype stage. Similarly, our clients, and Julian Assange would be pleased with a website that encourages and provides the tools for positive change in the world through the medium of the Internet. The final product is a testament to our hard work and newfound knowledge and skills in web design.

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